10 Reasons Why You Should Have Watched The Boys

10 Reasons Why You Should Have Watched The Boys - Hei, Welcome To Xivan Post Blog, In this page, I Will inform you about 10 Reasons Why You Should Have Watched The Boys, I hope you can enjoy reading this Article 10 Reasons Article 10 Reasons Why You Should Have Watched The Boys Article 2019 Article Amazon Article Dante Ross Article danterants.blogspot.com Article The Boys, it's the result of automatic content collection, To remind these info on the post review 10 Reasons Why You Should Have Watched The Boys it's advisable to be distributed to social media, I hope Helpful, view more clearly direct the info below.

The Boys 9/10

This will be full of spoilers. Last weekend I watched the new Amazon series The Boys. I have read some of the comic book it is based off of but did not remember enough about it to sit and watch this show and complain about what was changed and what did not happen in the comics. I was planning on writing a The Review about this but did not wanna sit here and do a recap. Instead I am gonna list the 10 Reasons Why You Should Have Watched The Boys. The only reason why I didn't give this a 10/10 is because towards the end of the series things started to lag a tiny bit and since I binged this it felt longer than it actually was.

This is about a group of people that want to take the superheroes of the world down because for the most part they ain't shit. Publicly they are amazing. They save people, avert disasters, make movies, and sponsor great causes. Privately they do drugs, rape folks, and cause hundreds of people to die for PR. As the series progresses it is clear that there are no actual good guys in this world. Just people who have better than others reasons to be assholes or not and victims. This show has a fish man committing sexual assault, a tiny man diving into a lady's vajayjay, a very religious hero that is all the way gay but sponsors pray the gay away programs, and a beloved hero that is jealous of a baby and the attention it gets. Its fucked up and brilliant.

Poor Hughie

This poor bastard. The catalyst for this season is Hughie. Just a normal guy working in electronics planning a future with his girlfriend Robin. While standing outside holding hands she suddenly explodes into meat and teeth. He looks down and is still holding her hands. He is offered $45,000 to keep quiet about it all and is like “Fuck that!” The superhero A-Train that is the one that killed her doesn't even apologize or remember who it is that he killed. Hughie has the largest character growth in the series. He is weak and knows it. In case he forgets his father reminds him. The superheroes remind him. It is not until he sets off a bomb implanted in a heroes asshole that he finally realizes that dirty shit needs to be done for the greater good. I guess. Seriously. He kills an invisible man with a butt bomb.

Frenchie Is Deeper Than I Thought

When Frenchie first appears after Butcher (I'll get to him later) needs a place to hide and figure out how to kill an invisible, impenetrable hero. I thought he was going to be this flat tech/weapon/drug addict. He was super twitchy and I thought that he would throw off whatever dynamic was forming in the series. As the series went on Frenchie became one of my favorite characters because he seems to grasp the severity of their situations more than anyone else. His friendship with The Female is also really cool. The two of them together is magic.

The Team Seems Real

What I mean by that is that the team doesn't feel like a bunch of actors that are pretending to have known each other in the past and have a history they do not want to repeat. These people feel like they really had some crazy shit happen years ago and when Butcher shows up it is not good news for anyone, especially for someone like Mother's Milk who has a wife, child, and a job making a difference with troubled youth. Frenchie doesn't get along with Mother's Milk. Hughie is not sure who to trust other than Mother's Milk. The Female only trusts Frenchie. Everyone is iffy about Butcher. The interaction between everyone in this team feels authentic which is important in a show that has as much crazy shit as this one does. It is cool sometimes to have crazy for craziness' sake but you have to have some folks that are grounded in reality. Even though there are heroes that can turn invisible, shoot lasers, and talk to fish it felt good to have a group of regular people that could attempt to face them and feel real.

A-Train Is An Asshole

This fucking guy. I know there are heroes that do way worse...kinda in this series. He has super speed and is the one that ran right through Hughie's girlfriend Robin, shook off her leavings, and kept going. He could not remember her name. He met Hughie like two more times and could not remember his face even after making an apology privately. He is hopped up on this drug called Compound V. It is like steroids for heroes. He was on it when he ran through Robin. He is secretly dating a B-list hero named Popclaw and just using her for the drugs. He kills her making it look like she overdosed. She also rode a dudes face until it exploded after she got high on the drug after seeing A-Train talking that shit on TV. He is like a super powered version of an athlete you hate for being cocky. And rich. And famous. And with powers. And protected by other heroes and a very rich corporation. He is also the most relatable hero but in the worst way.

Starlight And Her Dreams

Poor Starlight. Annie January has the ability to shoot blasts of light and wants to use her powers to join The Seven and be one of the best superheroes saving people and making a difference. So the first day she shows up and is sexually assaulted. Shit you not. She tells The Deep that she used to have a crush on him and moments later his pants are around his ankle. She starts to get upset and he says she assaulted him and will be taken off the team. Flash forward to her vomiting in the bathroom and being told by Queen Maeve to clean herself up and not to let the others see her like this. She knows what just happened but is so over everything in her life she offers no support to Starlight. She grew up in pageants with eating disorders and is pretty much living her mother's dream. They slap her in a tiny ass showing outfit to increase her male demographic. She is paraded around as the hot new innocent thing. She quickly realizes that it is not about actually helping innocent people but about how it appears to the public. She stops a girl from getting raped and it is recorded and posted online. The guys say she attacked them and it becomes a PR nightmare until the victim comes forward and they turn it into a story of survival and women empowerment.

The Deep Is A Dick I Felt Bad For One Time

The Deep is the Aquaman of the team. He is cocky as hell for someone who is mainly used with water based crimes. He sexually assaults Starlight and when it comes to light has to make an apology video. He is then sent to a small town to fight crime where he is miserable. He takes a woman home to sleep with and she wants to see him naked. He warns her he is built different and shows her his gills on his ribs. She then forces her hand inside of them. He tells her no and that it hurts and she calls him a freak asking if he likes having his blowholes fingered. I felt bad for him that one time cause the shit looked painful but he deserved it for his previous behavior. He then shaves his head and cries in a mirror. I have seen women do this in movies but never a dude. He also saves a dolphin from a theme park and while arguing about a future relationship he stops short and it flies through the windshield and is run over by a truck. I laughed way too hard during that scene. He is the most loser of The Seven and knows it and goes to therapy about it.

The Female Is The Best

The Female is found when The Boys are trailing after a guy they believe has a connection to that Compound V drug. Frenchie ends up finding her in a cage and lets her free. She IMMEDIATELY mauls these guys to death with her bare hands. The Boys take off running. One guard looks at her and instead of even trying to fight her shoots himself in the head. Butcher and Mother's Milk wanna leave her ass there but Frenchie feels bad. He gives some backstories about his childhood throughout the series and relates to her. She will growl and snap at everyone but Frenchie even though it takes a bit before she can trust him. During one episode she goes one on one with Black Noir (the most mysterious member of The Seven) and is holding her own until he stabs and slices her almost in half. Frenchie comes to save her and then she dies. Then comes back to life! She is unstoppable! I love her character. She starts to act more normal and combs her hair and paints her nails. Moments later the team is attacked and after kicking some ass she is gassed and taken away. She got to look nice for only a fucking minute which sucks. I would watch an entire cooking show about her and Frenchie doing fine cuisine. They show how she became the way she did and it was kinda wack. I liked her being more mysterious and just fucking folks up and growling.

The Seven Are Garbage People

This team consists of a bunch of hypocritical assholes that are more concerned with making money and looking like heroes than actually saving people. They are run by Madelyn Stillwell who controls their every move (or tries to) and wants the team to replace the military for billions. Homelander is a monster I'll get to in a second. I've already covered A-Train and The Deep. Black Noir is not really covered. He doesn't even speak but plays the piano nicely. Translucent is a pervert who can only be truly invisible when he takes all his clothes off. He also likes to stay in the ladies restroom and spy on them. Ezekiel who can stretch any part of his body and is very religious but is publicly anti-homosexual. Queen Maeve at some point was an actual hero but over time became super blasé about the whole thing. She has moments where she wants to be a hero like when she and Homelander went to stop a group of terrorists on a plane. Homelander could not care either way. They kill the guys and Homelander ends up frying the controls and is like “Whelp, lets leave.' She tries to save a woman and her child but Homelander threatens her and they leave the entire plane of over one hundred to crash which was super fucked. It is the final straw for her but she knows she can only do so much because Homelander will straight up kill her because he is fucking nuts. I hope she ends up wrecking his dumb ass later.

Homelander Is The Worst

This dude is fucking terrible. He is strong, can fly, has laser eyes, and can not be hurt it seems. He is also mad that a baby gets the breast milk. He will also kill anyone that dates Queen Maeve even though they are no longer together. He subtly threatens his team members. He let a plane of innocent people die and had the nerve to eulogize them. Oh, and he raped (?!) Butcher's wife before she went and killed herself or is missing. I think I covered most of the bad shit he did this season. Wait. He riles up a crowd against gays and wants to go to war with other countries intentionally giving terrorists super powers so they can fight and get more money fro the government. Yeah. This dude is the absolute fucking worst. I'm not sure how he can be stopped honestly. He isn't dumb. He is super calculating but also childish as fuck when it comes to other people. I wanted to see him get knocked the fuck out so bad and was pissed it didn't happen. Fuck this guy.

Butcher Ruins Lives

Butcher wants to kill all the heroes because Homelander raped his wife. Pretty good reason to want revenge if you ask me. He finds out that Hughie turned down the payoff and brings him in to help him implying he is with the FBI. He is not above torture, lying, and getting people killed to get what he wants. When he meets his former team not one of them is happy about it. Hughie tries to quit or just go home and Butcher is like “Nah...” or “You killed a guy. You are in this, kid.” He ends up taking Stillwell hostage and after Homelander literally fries her face off he saves Butcher from the explosion and drops him off at this nice home and a kid comes out. Next out...Butcher's allegedly dead wife. Oh, and the boy has laser eyes. What the fuck is going on with this show?! I have so many questions! This was a really good series and the trailers do not make it look as good as it actually is. Yes, there is violence, some sexy time stuff, cursing, and torture...but still. Great show and I can not wait for season two.

Karl Urban as Billy Butcher
Jack Quaid as "Wee" Hughie Campbell
Laz Alonso as Mother's Milk
Tomer Kapon as Frenchie
Karen Fukuhara as The Female
Antony Starr as Homelander
Erin Moriarty as Annie January/Starlight
Dominique McElligott as Queen Maeve
Chace Crawford as The Deep
Nathan Mitchell as Black Noir
Elisabeth Shue as Madelyn Stillwell
Alex Hassell as Translucent

Click here for previous 10 Reasons.

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