The Review: Bodyguard

The Review: Bodyguard - Hei, Welcome To Xivan Post Blog, In this page, I Will inform you about The Review: Bodyguard, I hope you can enjoy reading this Article 2018 Article Bodyguard Article Dante Ross Article Article Keeley Hawes Article Netflix Article Richard Madden Article The Review, it's the result of automatic content collection, To remind these info on the post review The Review: Bodyguard it's advisable to be distributed to social media, I hope Helpful, view more clearly direct the info below.

Bodyguard 10/10

This show should have been called Ha! You're Wrong A Lot! This is going to be full of spoilers! Jesus, I had to take a deep breath after watching Bodyguard on Netflix. This is a six part BBC series which I love. If a show now has more than 12 episodes in a season chances are I'm not gonna give it a try because these shows that have less are keeping it nice and tight with stories and such when there are so few episodes to work with. This stars Richard Madden who I did not even recognize from Game Of Thrones as Police Sergeant David Budd. He is a British war vet and is suffering from all kinds of PTSD related issues. There is also Keeley Hawes as The Right Honorable Julia Montague, the Home Secretary, Conservative MP for Thames West which is a long ass title that can easily be shortened.

Right from the start this show had me clenching my cheeks. Cam watched this show and loved it so much she watched it all over again which I'll give a try. Budd is on a train heading home with his son and daughter. He spots this guy looking all kinds of suspicious and spots him leaving a bathroom. Just as he leaves Budd enters and finds a woman with a goddamn bomb strapped to her chest. He gets the security on the train to stop it and get the passengers cleared an every time the security fumbled or acted nervous I was shouting at my TV “Get your shit together!” He speaks to the lady bomber named Nadia and calms her down and keeps the SWAT or whatever they call it in Britain from shooting her. They are dying to blow this woman's head off. The lady and her dude are both arrested and Budd heads home to his wife. That he is separated from. You'll find out why shortly. Budd ends up getting promoted and is assigned to protect Julia. She stands for everything he is against and his veteran friend that had his face partially melted off reminds him of this. Julia pretty much wants to continue supporting the war even though folks are continuing to die and there is no end in sight and just money being made by the people who do not have to fight.

Budd's wife and even people at work are like “You almost got blown up. Therapist maybe?” and he is like “Nah, I'm good.” Budd is not good. Soon a large truck full of explosives is heading to his kids school. Police try to intercept it and end up shooting the guys inside. They get close, one of them smiles, and then the shit explodes. Budd's family ends up being placed in a safe house because it is weird that they knew what school his kids went to. Also, while riding with Julia the car gets lit up by a sniper. The shit is super intense. Budd manages to track down the shooter and when they showed who it was I knew that this show was not gonna be close to how I thought it would be. That was the craziest thing about this series. I was wrong constantly. Like...all the way wrong. The people I thought were bad were good and the ones I thought were good turned out to be evil as fuck.

There is no one that is safe. You think the police are dirty and it turns out that they are not even close to dirty and then I thought this team was dirty and it turns out they are just being used by someone that is stanky ass dirty and then there is someone who is full of all of the shit that is controlling them! Oh, an it turns out that Julia knew that there could possibly be an attack on Budd's kids school. Oh, and Budd and Julia start fuggin'! I know, right?! I knew that this could not be good or end well for either one of these people but what ended up happening wasn't even on my radar.

I don't wanna spoil much more to this show because it does not have a lot of episodes and you could easily watch this in one or two nights. The acting on this was good. I loved the way the camera would lose focus on everything but the center of the screen. The music was perfect in tone and would help build up the tension but not be distracting. I do not watch many shows involving detectives or police or law because there have been too many times where I could not solve something because they never gave you a chance to suspect someone or go “Oh, okay. I got this.” This show was amazing at leading me in one direction but the whole time in hindsight I should've been looking somewhere else. Great writing. Great directing. I looked and saw there was one writer and two directors so things never felt weird and people did not act out of character. Watch this show.

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