The Review: Before I Wake

The Review: Before I Wake - Hei, Welcome To Xivan Post Blog, In this page, I Will inform you about The Review: Before I Wake, I hope you can enjoy reading this Article 2016 Article Before I Wake Article Dante Ross Article Article Jacob Tremblay Article Kate Bosworth Article movie review Article The Review Article Thomas Jane, it's the result of automatic content collection, To remind these info on the post review The Review: Before I Wake it's advisable to be distributed to social media, I hope Helpful, view more clearly direct the info below.

Before I Wake 7/10

Today I watched this crazy ass movie called Before I Wake with B&H. They'd seen it already and like a lot of people they wanted to see my reaction to horror movie nonsense. As soon as the movie started I had a full glass of “Nope!” This stars Jacob Tremblay, Kate Bosworthwho I kind of forgot existed, and Thomas Jane looking like an American Tommy Wiseau. I didn't know it was really Thomas Jane until we checked and he looked super rough. This starts with a dude rushing into a little boys room with a gun looking like he is about to shoot his ass until something attacks his ass. Next thing you know the couple played by Bosworth and Jane named Jessie and Mark “Hi, Mark!” Hobson adopt the same little boy. His name is Cody which was an automatic pass from me. Name your kid Cody, Logan, Tyler, Conner, Jake, Colin, or any variation of Jake and I'm gonna side-eye you.

Turns out their last son Sean died after drowning in the bathtub. Not really sure how he drowned considering when they show flashbacks he is flailing and such so I just assume he can sit up. After this kid arrives that night they see these butterflies all in the house. They are amazed and like “Do butterflies come out at night?” Meanwhile I'm like “No and move the fuck out!” They don't. Even after the butterflies suddenly vanish. Cody wakes up and the butterflies disappear. Turns out his dreams are freaky as hell and they include a monster known as Canker Man. At school a bully picks on Cody but he also becomes friends with this girl so it evens out. It's how childhood works. The next night their dead son appears and they put together that somehow this new kid Cody is making it happen. Cody just wants to stay up and never sleep to protect people. Mom wants him knocked the fuck out so she can play with her dead kid. It's fucked up.

The husband knows this is wrong but the mom does not care and even goes so far as to drug the kid. Next thing you know the dead son comes back but is all jacked up looking and the Canker Man shows up, busts the bedroom door down, they can't wake Cody because he is drugged, and Mark gets eaten by the monster. Cody wakes and calls 911. The police are like “Someone hit you and the kid is drugged so we need to take him away.” Someone did hit her. The monster. He slapped the soul out of her. Jessie gets the paperwork of Cody's and finds one of the other people that had adopted Cody is the guy from the beginning and he explains how Cody's powers are great at first and he and his wife abused them until shit got bad and his wife got eaten.

So now Cody is being sedated by staff who do not know that when he sleeps the beat drops and Jessie shows up. The place is covered in moths and folks are being cocooned. She goes in one room and is treated to a replay of her son dying so that's cool. Oh, shit Canker Man! He knocks her down the hallway and before he can kill her she gives him a butterfly plush toy. The creature pauses and they hug then it turns into Cody and she carries him away. She explains to him that the Canker Man is really cancer and he just don't know how to be talkin' right an' shit. She also explains that he has magic powers and created the creature and mixed things up because he is a kid and the creature looked like his dying mother. He then shows he is learning to control his powers.

So...yay? Her husband is dead. She probably lost the rights to have Cody after being found out for drugging him. Her husband is dead. Her dead son is still dead. That dude that is in an asylum or whatever that tried to shoot Cody at the start is still thought to be crazy. Oh, and that bully that was messing with him got straight up ate by the monster in front of the little girl who saw it so she's just traumatized for life. But Jessie has a new son so happy ending. The true hero of this story is that guy that wanted to off Cody at the start. He was the only one that got what he wanted, a weird version of his wife back (granted she looked like a kids painting of a woman), and still wanted to take Cody out. This is on Netflix if you wanna find more reasons to fear children.

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